The Ultimate Firework, The Firework of Fireworks, the Daddy of them All! Almost 2 minutes of perfectly timed shots producing an incredible array of effects. Part 1: (Straight Firing) Green Comets Blasting into Green Coconuts with Pistil with Red Strobe, Blue Comets Exploding into Blue Pearls with Stunning Golden Strobe Willows, Silver Comets Producing Golden Willows with Silver Strobes, Yellow Comets Producing Silver & Red Coconuts with Blue Pearls, Red Comets Spreading into Time Rain Willow with Blue Pearls. Part 2: (Straight Firing) Red Comets Bursting into Blue Pearls with Red Tipped White Willows, Blue Comets Producing Contrasting Purple & Green Coconuts with a Crackling Effect, Red Comets Exploding into Red Tipped Brocade Crowns with Blue Pearls, Red Comets Spreading into King Spiders with Ruby Red Strobes, Crackling Tailed Comets Bursting Loud Crackling Chrysanthemums. Part 3: (Mixture of 'C' Shape Fan & Straight Firing) Silver Spinners Breaking into Wide Bursts of Silver Strobes with Red & Blue Pearls, Silver Spinners Breaking into Golden Strobes with Purple & Green Pearls, Red Comets Spreading into King Spiders with Red & Blue Pearls, Silver Spinners Exploding into Wide Bursts of Silver Strobes with Blue & Purple Pearls, Red Comets Producing Red & Green Dahlias with a Crackling Chrysanthemum. Part 4: (Mixture of 'C' Shape Fan and Straight Firing) Golden Comets Bursting into Golden Time Rain with Blue Pearls, Golden Comets Exploding into Golden Time Rain with Deep Red Pearls, Blue Comets Spreading into Wide Brocade Crowns with Blue Pearls, Red Comets Producing Red Tipped Coconuts with White Strobes, Silver Tailed Comets Bursting into Loud Crackling Chrysanthemums. SAFETY DISTANCE 25M

£350 £495-29.29%

Product Description