A 19 shot cake ejecting bursts of yellow & purple stars with green strobe, sky blue stars with gold strobe and a finale of golden chrysanthemum bursts. SAFETY DISTANCE 15M
A 70 shot cake ejecting red, green & time rain comet tails above time rain mine effects. SAFETY DISTANCE 8M
A 100 shot cake ejecting whistling missiles with red and tails and crackling stars. SAFETY DISTANCE 15M
Little in size but BIG on effect! 8 Shots, 3 Varieties to choose from: (A) Red Palm with White Strobes, Green Palm with Time Rain. (B) Red Starred Chrysanthemum, Green Starred Chrysanthemum, White Strobes. (C) Red & Blue Peony, Red Stars with White Strobe, Purple Stars with Green Strobe. SAFETY DISTANCE 8M