A pack of two 3″ rockets with bursts of red, green, blue and white glittering stars, and blue dahlia stars with gold glittering effects.

£40 £69.99-42.85%
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  • Return Policy: Returns and Refunds: Changed your mind on the product? If any item does not meet your expectations you may return it within 30 days of receipt. Items must be returned unused, undamaged and in their original packaging. Faulty Item? If your item is faulty please get in touch by replying to the original confirmation email Discount Fireworks will replace or refund the cost of any products deemed to be faulty. How to return your items Please reply to the order original confirmation email and include this in the package to be returned. Your statutory rights are not affected. Returns Address: Discount Fireworks 40 West Ham Lane London E15 4PT If you need any help or further information please contact us.

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